Wonfel's focus areas include education, health, youth empowerment, knowledge and technological transfer, food security and environmental protections.
Currently active projects are:
The project raised more than $1.8 million, mainly through crowdfunding. It has provided urgent food, clothing, shelter, and medical services for more than 80,000 mothers, the elderly, and children.
The team has deployed more than 40 medical volunteers to several internally displaced people’s (IDP) sites and has provided urgent care. Each doctor treats up to 40 patients a day at the IDP sites, and the daily cost of sponsoring a doctor is $13. The team has delivered food to thousands of IDPs in Amhara and Afar regions. On average the team delivered 25 kilograms of flour per family at a cost of $35.
Please follow the link to support: Amhara-Emergency-Fund
Project Resilience - Sponsor a Child:
What started off as a desperate
attempt to save one little girl from Metekel who lost both parents have now grown
into sponsoring 340 children.
Sponsor a Child program has expanded to give hope to many children who lost one
or both parents due to the ethnic cleansing in Metekel, Wollega, Ataye, and the
war-torn regions of northern Ethiopia. The program helps children stay in school
under the care of their extended family members.
Currently, over 500 children are waiting to be sponsored. Any amount of donation
is highly appreciated. The suggested sponsorship level is $25-35 a month.
Follow the link too support Sponsor A Child
Sponsor A Child Program | Mightycause
I am for My Sister:
Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF) soldiers used rape as a weapon of war
against Amhara girls and women. This project was implemented with initial
funding from the Amhara Emergency Fund to facilitate a recovery program for the
victims of sexual violence to rehabilitate and foster a positive outlook in their lives.
The project provides mental health, psychosocial, piritual counseling, general
health services and economic empowerment through short-term life skills,
vocational training, and start-up money for small businesses. Our local team
deployed more than 14 professional women volunteers with diverse educational
backgrounds such as medical doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors,
nurses, and nutritionists and developed a psychosocial training module. Working
with local district offices, the team collected detailed information on more than
1500 sexual violence survivors age ranging 10-84 years old and provided a
weeklong psychosocial training, medical treatment and vocational training to more
than 774 rape victims in 5 training sites distributed around the Amhara region
(Debre-Berhan, Kombolcha, Desse, Woldya, and Debark). Many of these women
are becoming psychologically stronger in managing their stress, their medical
conditions have improved. Bringing these women from different locations for the
first aid psychosocial training have given them a chance to meet for the first time,
to talk and share their painful experiences which helped them to bond and support
each other. Some of them are keeping the connection and even created small
monthly social gatherings where they meet regularly to talk, and spend time
together. With the start-up funding provided about 70% of women have started
their own small-scale businesses such as small coffee and tea shops, breakfast
bistros, cosmetic shops and small-scale chicken hatching business.
Follow the link to support My Sisters
Heroes Family Fund:
Following the TPLF invasion of the
Amhara and Afar regions, many brave men defended their families and
communities, paying the ultimate price and leaving behind loved ones with no
support system. This project has identified more than 3,100 families that need
our support. The suggested monthly amount is $50 for a family of two and
$100 for a family of three or more. The fund will help families maintain their
livelihoods and help keep children in school
Follow the link to support Heroes’ Family Fund
Tractor for a Village, Oxen for a Farmer & Cow
for a mother:
Over the course of the war in
northern Ethiopia, thousands of domestic livestock have been killed, shattering the
only livelihood rural farmers depend on. This rehabilitation project aims to
A milk cow for a mother as a major source of family support—$1,593
per cow
Oxen for a farmer so that farmers can restart their shattered lives and
continue doing what they know best to support their families—$866 for
two oxen
A tractor for a village. This project benefits farmers who live close by
and have land topography convenient for sharing a tractor. One tractor,
depending on size and horsepower will support more than 200 farmers
and increases their productivity several folds. The average cost of 80hp
tractor is ~ $31,000 USD.
1. The first tractor is delivered to a village in Kobo, Kebele
01. More than 45 farmers who lost their oxen and 40 women
whose husbands were killed during the war are organized to
participate in this model project.
2. The 2nd tractor is delivered to a village in Humera,
Mykadra, Rdem Kebele. In this project 204 farmers who lost
everthing during the war are identified and organized to
participate in the project. Both communities are provided with a
tractor with 80 horsepower, accessories and experts to help them
run the tractor for a year. The tractors are expected to cultivate
more than 500 hectares of farmland. Follow the link to support
Tractor for A Village
Exam Prep Program for 119,213 Amhara
Last school year, the total number of students who sat for the 12th Grade national exam in the Amhara
region was 152,935 students. Only 22 % of the students were able to pass the exam which was the
lowest exam grade scored in the history of 12th-grade exams in the region. More than 1.5 million
students have dropped out of school as a result of the TPLF invasion, 277 schools were completely
destroyed, and more than 1,300 schools were partially damaged, supplies and other materials were
stolen and/or destroyed. We have completed organizing volunteers, necessary logistics on the ground
started providing tutorial classes to 119,213 students allowed to retake the exam.The cost for each student is only $0.84.
Please follow the link to suppor the program.
Projects in progress:
. The Wonfel Scholarship for university students.
.Boarding School Project in Bahirdar and Gonder cities
sucessfully Acomplished projects:
Educational coverage and quality are inadequate in many parts of Ethiopia, particularly in the Amhara region. In rural areas, elementary school enrollment is very low, and those who enrolled face enormous challenges. As a result, many of them drop out before completing middle school and high school.

Ashuda elementary school, located in Achefer, Gojjam was built in 1974 by generous donors from Sweden. It is the first elementary school in the area, and some kids would walk for more than two hours to attend school. Over the years, the school opened opportunities for thousands and changed lives.