Sponsor a Child
What started as a desperate attempt to save one little girl from Metekel who lost both parents has now grown into sponsoring over 360 children through 170 sponsor families and over 120 donors. The program has expanded to give hope to many children who lost one or both parents due to the ethnic cleansing in Metekel, Wollega, Ataye, and the war-torn regions of Ethiopia.
While that is the case, the magnitude of the need is growing, and we continue to receive a list of children from North Shewa, Wello, and Gonder who have lost parents due to the war that need our support. Currently, over 500 children are waiting to be sponsored.

Sponsor A Child Program
• Program is 100% sponsor or donor-supported; and 100% of every dollar goes straight to the children.
• Suggested sponsorship level: $25-$35/month.
• Individual monthly contribution is combined with those of other sponsors/donors and wired as one payment batch per month/location.
• Fund is transferred to our partner organizations in Ethiopia to be deposited to guardians' account.
• Sponsors receive a profile of the child they are sponsoring, and guardian contact information.
• Sponsors are encouraged to contact the family to verify how their sponsorship is making a difference and to build relationship with the sponsored child.
Your participation in Wonfel-Sponsor a Child program is not just a charitable contribution but also an effective way of fighting poverty with a futuristic endeavor in the children’s life. Will you be part of this mission and rescue thousands of vulnerable children?
Donation Options:
1. Wonfel: Sponsor A Child Program | Mightycause
2. PayPal:
3. Wonfel Venmo:
4. Wonfel Zelle t:
5. Bank Deposit: US Bank Acct:157517891667, Routing No.:12112
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