FOR MY SISTER (እኔም ለእህቴ)

During the invasion of Amhara and Afar regions by Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), the terrorist group committed sexual violent crime on young girls, pregnant, mentally, and physically disabled, elderly women and monks. This crime was committed in every city, town, and village they occupied. TPLF soldiers gang raped at gunpoint; indiscriminately robbed and assaulted the Amhara women physically and verbally. The psychological, emotional, and physical pain these women endured is the most painful experiences in the 21st century.
This project is initiated with initial funding from Amhara Emergency Fund to facilitate a recovery program for these victims to rehabilitate and foster a positive outlook in their life. The project would accomplish the following objectives and provides the following services:
1. Mental health and psychosocial counseling services with local experts and religious leader to manage post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, low self-esteem, insomnia, social stigma, anxiety etc.
2. General health services: Sexual violence has been associated with increased vulnerability to maternal Mortality, including gynecological disorders such as pelvic inflammatory disease; and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS. HIV risk factors are associated with forced sex, and women who are raped face substantial risk of contracting STIs at a higher rate.
3. Economic Empowerment: Victims of sexual violence often find themselves in situations where they have to fend for themselves financially. Whether as a familial abandonment, or community shunning, victims frequently face economic hardship that makes them increasingly vulnerable to further victimization, health problems, exploitation, and marginalization. A few strategies have been outlined to help women gain financial independence during such times of hardship.
● Microfinance is one increasingly popular strategy for empowering women that can provide credit and savings services and initiate income-generating projects. The team has secured seed funding from Amhara Emergency fund to put the idea on the ground. Individual donor can donate a family $500 to have a cow (or another domestic animal), encourages them to breed it and share the offspring with another family in the community. The animals are referred to as “living loans” and can help families improve their nutrition and generate income in sustainable ways. These financial-empowerment strategies intended to emancipate women by improving their self-esteem and confidence, enhancing their ability to make decisions within their own households, and expanding their social networks.
4. Provide a short-term life skill and vocational training: The purposes of these trainings are to build resiliency, independent living skills, confidence and connecting with their community.
5. Provide spiritual guidance: Churches and religious centers can shape community attitudes toward sexual violence. Religious leaders are often seen as moral authorities in communities, and their attitudes can greatly influence followers. As such, religious organizations can play a major role in educating people to take a stand against gender-based violence and discouraging stigmatization of people who have been
sexually assaulted.
6. To create awareness about sexual violence: A community’s ability to respond to sexual violence depends on several factors. Key institutions in the areas of medicine, law, and psychosocial services will be identified, barriers to effective response cultural, or financial will be addressed. Educating the community members and service providers to be part of the rehabilitation process by offering support to victims and reinforcing institutional cultures on this issue. Education about sexuality and gender-based violence at a young age tends to have a long-term impact on attitudes and behavior. Raising awareness about sexual violence at a formative stage in a young person’s life is critical in changing cultural norms. Farther more exposing the atrocities to the world.
To build a model resilient community for victims that empowers them and and build prosperous society. Your sponsorship goes a long way to advance these initiatives. All donations are welcomE, and the team recommends the following level of sponsorship:
1. Sponsor a sister for six months at $50/month commitment
2. One time donation of $500 or $300
3. Sponsor a sister for a year at $100/month commitment
Please follow this link to donate:
እኔም ለእህቴ For My Sister | Mightycause